Cut Belly Fat for Xmas…..(7 Tips say you Can)

CAN you “Cut the Belly Fat” YES you can! These 7 Tips will point you in the right direction. Making your Festive period easier to Navigate… WOW can you believe it, the Year end Festivities are just around the corner. Do you worry that you will indulge in to much Chicken, to much Pudding and … Read more

Lose Belly Fat with Tea…..(5 Best Belly Busters).

. These Teas will enhance your Belly Fat Loss. Tell Polly to put the kettle on and we’ll all have Tea. I have been drinking tea for most of my life coming from Scotland, tea was part and parcel of growing up. (Coffee was for special occasions or visitors) Back then, tea came as loose … Read more

6 Aerobic Exercises to Get Rid of Belly Fat – “WITH AIR”??

“How Important is Exercise”..??? As you are trying to lose Belly Fat you have to Get Rid of more Calories, than you are consuming in your daily diet if you wish to have any effect on weight loss. To do that would mean that you would either have to exercise some more, or eat less, … Read more

Lakewood Pure Cranberry Juice How Good………..Help you lose Belly Fat??

The Lakewood Pure Cranberry-Product Reveiw Cranberries, known as the “Wonder Berry” it’s a small Berry but packed full of Nutrients. Cranberries are 1 of 3 Fruits, Native to North America, they have been used by Native Americans as Rub for their Meat, the Red Juice as a Dye for Clothes and Bedding, and to help … Read more

About Murray……….

Hello and Welcome to my site “How you Get Rid of Belly Fat”. What is Belly Fat? Belly Fat has many names….. Beer Belly, Pot Belly, Abdominal Fat , Visceral Fat or simply Fat Whatever it’s called you just want to …….Get Rid of It. A Small Insight into My Life I grew up in … Read more