“What Makes Shedding Belly Fat So Tough: Unravelling The Mystery”

Man holding his Belly Fat in both hands to show how big it is.Struggling to shed that stubborn belly fat? Wondering why it’s so hard to lose? In this article, we’ll explore the reasons behind this issue. From hormones to lifestyle habits, we’ll uncover why belly fat clings on for dear life. If you’re ready to unravel the mystery and discover effective strategies then, let’s dive in!



The main reasons it’s hard to lose Belly Fat boils down to you making the wrong lifestyle choices, too much bad fats (red meat), too much processed foods (white bread, soda pops) Your stress levels are too high, you are lacking enough sleep, not exercising with both High and Low Intensity workouts, not drinking enough water, and last but not least your not eating high quality fats (salmon,tuna, mackerel and olive oil).


“What Makes Shedding Belly Fat So Tough?”


 1. Reduce Bad Fats

Bad Fats such as Artificial Trans Fats along with Saturated Fats are the main culprits that affect Weight gain, clogged Arteries and your bad LDL Cholesterol Levels.

These Bad Fats can be found in most Pastries, Cookies, Muffins and most bakery items, made in a Commercial environment.even in minor quantities should be avoided.

The Bad/Trans Fats have also been linked to Heart Disease, Strokes and other Chronic Illnesses.

Furthermore, Saturated Fat although not as bad as Trans Fats, can also affect the bad LDL Cholesterol levels, so should be taken in moderation.

Bad fats such as artificial trans fats and saturated fats, can contribute to weight gain, clogged arteries, and elevated LDL cholesterol levels.



2. A Healthy Diet with Fewer Processed Foods:

Equally important is to eat a healthy diet that is low in processed foods.

First we can look at Refined grains such as white bread, crackers, and chips.

Second we look at refined sugars like soda Pop drinks and desserts.

They increase inflammation in our bodies and are typically packed with calories.

Too many calories leads to fat storage.

Likewise, as belly fat is associated with inflammation, eating too much processed foods will hinder your ability to lose belly fat.

Stick to natural foods like fruits and vegetables, ideally low-glycemic fruits and vegetables which don’t spike insulin levels.



3. Control Stress Levels

To Control your Stress levels, first you must find out what Triggers them.

One of the ways you can do this is to record what stresses you out. Is it driving the car on the busy roads, likewise it could be the crowded bus, or the crowded train or something completely different. Make yourself aware of these triggers and see if you can make changes to lessen the stress.

When you are stressed out, your body defence is to increase the amount of Cortisol Hormone to help return your body back to normal.

However, if you are in a continued state of stress, your body defence will not work.

This causes an elevated cortisol hormone level which then sits around in your system which encourages more bulk to be retained around your middle.


4. Prioritise Adequate Sleep:

Research during the last decade or so has found that Americans are Sleeping less and Obesity levels are increasing at an alarming rate.

Recommended sleep for Adults is between 7-9 hours. Before bed make sure you have no large meal, cut out the caffeine and dim the lights.

Your bedroom should be a quiet sanctuary where you can go to read, have sex and Sleep.

No TV or Cell phones in sight.


5. Not Exercising Correctly

Engaging in exercise is essential for losing belly fat, but it’s important to choose the right exercises.

The combination of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and Low-Intensity Steady State (LISS) exercises on alternating days can be beneficial.


HIIT involves short 15 minute bursts of intense exercise alternating with recovery period 5 minutes.HIIT exercises can include intense cycling, running and rowing.


LISS on the other hand refers to longer 30 minute sessions of low-intensity exercises. LISS exercises include walking, leisurely cycling and swimming.

Sunday. Day of rest, you deserve it.

You can then gradually increase the exercise duration as and when your comfort and fitness levels improve.


6. Stay Hydrated (Water, Nature’s Gift)

We are made up of 60% water, it’s essential that we incorporate the consumption of water as part of our daily routine.

Drink a Glass of Water before every meal. Buy a water bottle and have it with you all the time (Must be full of course).

A man drinking water out of a Plastic Bottle

Make it become a Habit

Flavor your water with Lemon, Mint and other fruits.

You can increase your water intake by eating fruit such as Watermelon, Oranges,and strawberries to name a few.

So what is not enough water?

I’m sure you have heard them say that 8 large glasses of water a day is the minimum.

I know for sure you can and will manage this with ease.


7. Incorporate High-Quality Fats:

Contrary to popular belief, consuming high-quality fats can actually help you lose weight.

Why, because they help you feel full and satisfied, which can reduce your overall calorie intake.

Here are 5 ideas for incorporating high-quality fats into your diet

AVOCADO is an excellent source of heart-healthy fats, fibre and potassium. It can be enjoyed on its own, as guacamole, or added to salads or sandwiches.


NUTS and SEEDS such as almonds, walnuts,chia seeds and flax seeds, are rich in healthy fats, protein and fibre. They can be eaten as snacks or added to yoghurt,oatmeal or salads.

OLIVE OIL rich in monounsaturated is beneficial to heart health and weight management. It can also be used for cooking or as a dressing on salads or roasted potatoes.

FATTY FISH such as salmon, mackerel and tuna provide omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce inflammation and support heart health.Aim to incorporate them into your diet a few times a week.

COCONUT OIL contains medium-chain triglycerides(MCTs) that increase feelings of fullness and boost metabolism. Use it for cooking or add a spoonful to smoothies or coffee.


small glass bowl full of Coconut Oil.


Remember to implement these seven strategies consistently and adapt them to your lifestyle. Reduce bad fats, cut down on processed foods, find and control your stress points. Make your bedroom a place where you can relax and enjoy your sleep. Do your daily exercises, ensure you stay hydrated, and drink plenty water. Last but not least incorporate high quality fats into your every day eating habits. Each small step towards a healthier lifestyle will contribute to your overall progress, and improve your chances of losing belly fat effectively.

Stay motivated and celebrate your achievements along the way!

Looking Forward to hearing from you.

Below are a few more Question that people have about Stubborn Belly Fat.



Why is belly fat so stubborn to get rid of?

One of the reasons belly fat is so hard to lose is because it’s active fat. That means it can secrete hormones and other substances that affect how your body uses insulin and make your liver make excess cholesterol. If you’re a woman, it’s even harder to lose belly fat, especially after menopause.

What sheds belly fat the fastest?

High-intensity interval training (HIIT): It is probably one of the fastest and most efficient ways to lose stomach fat and reduce the overall body fat percentage.

What is the quickest and easiest way to get rid of belly fat?

One of the most effective ways to lose body fat is to eat fewer calories than the body burns. This leads to fat loss throughout the body, including the abdomen. Eating fewer calories than the body uses up creates a caloric deficit. This can help burn both visceral fat and excess subcutaneous fat.














4 thoughts on ““What Makes Shedding Belly Fat So Tough: Unravelling The Mystery””

  1. Although I eat a very healthy and balanced diet, with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, I am finding it harder to lose belly fat as I am growing older. And even though I do incorporate nuts and seeds, and olive oil and avocado in my daily diet, I can now see that red meat could be a culprit in my diet. 

    It would be interesting to see where you place alcohol in the fight against belly fat. I do have a glass or two of white wine every evening, but would like to hear your view on alcohol and belly fat. Thank you. 

    • I think your diet is spot on and I would continue as is, you do not say how much Red meat you eat, but not sure that is the culprit.
      While the occasional glass now and then might not show, regular excessive alcohol intake can contribute to belly fat growth.
      It packs a caloric punch, disrupts fat metabolism, and promotes fat storage around your midsection.
      However I cannot tell you what to drink but do so in moderation and along with your current diet, and with some sort of regular exercise (a walk around the block) will help you stay on track towards a healthy midriff. As you say your getting older (aren’t we all) which also affects your metabolism.
      Hope this helps .

  2. Your exploration of why shedding belly fat can be challenging is insightful. I appreciate your breakdown of factors like genetics, hormones, and lifestyle habits contributing to this common struggle. Have you encountered any effective strategies or techniques for targeting belly fat specifically? I’ve found that a combination of consistent exercise, mindful eating, and stress management has helped me see progress, but it’s always interesting to hear different approaches.

    Your emphasis on the importance of a holistic approach to health resonates with me. It’s not just about losing weight but also about overall well-being. Incorporating healthy habits into daily life can be daunting, but your encouragement to focus on progress rather than perfection is encouraging. How do you recommend someone stays motivated on their journey to shed belly fat? Sharing personal anecdotes or tips could inspire others facing similar challenges. Thank you for shedding light on this topic!

    • I think that you have already found the ideal way, as you state “a combination of consistent exercise ,mindful eating and stress management’ I would add adequate sleep, drinking plenty water, it’s really a matter of Less Calories in and More Calories out, you will lose weight. You are heading in the right direction.


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